How Leaving Civilization Behind is Leaving Patriarchy Behind 

The notion of the interconnectedness of all life is central to ecology and most transition narratives. In line with this, many feminist perspectives suggest that ”what is needed is a politics for another civilization that respects, and builds on, the interconnectedness of all life, based on a spirituality of the Earth that nourishes community because it acknowledges that love and emotion are important elements of knowledge and of all of life” (Escobar 2018). I offer an experimental feminist and queer reading of using a repurposed digital meat thermometer to measure the temperature of a heat compost made with horse manure in this position paper for the CHI2022 workshop Feminist Ecologies. I view the example from the perspective of the breakdown of human civilization (and hence patriarchy) to something more primal and relational.

The workshop description and position papers of the other participants are available here. 
Anton Poikolainen Rosén: